You know it...

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I'm a happy and simple person who just happens to be lucky and in love. Must have items in life: ♥ my family, pup, friends and the one that makes my heart all a-flutter♥. Don't be fooled though, I have bad days too, but that's ok because Light needs Darkness. Watch the TEDtalk about that.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


To the love of my life, (! You know who you are!)

Officially we have hit the 13th month mark, marking my second longest relationship! I feel like this should be some kind of milestone for having stuck with you for so long...but it doesn't feel like that. I feel like I could spend the rest of the years that Earth has left soaking in sunshine and traveling in orbit in space with you and still find myself running out of time near the end. I am so in love with who you are, who I am when I am with you, and that pair we make together. I can only hope that I get to spend the rest of this life, and the rest that follow, with you.

I like to brag about you in all your awesomeness. Mainly because I literally stand in awe of you, but also because saying it out loud makes it a different animal. It makes it 5032498 times more beautiful. I hope you love yourself as much as I love you, because there is a lot to love. 

Let's start with your clean shaven face. I know I said I hated it when I first saw it...or at least admitted to not being a fan, but rest assured that every time I looked at you I took in every detail. This is probably the last time I will ever see you with a clean face, and I want to be able to see and love all those parts that will forever remain in the shadows (of 5 o'clock...haha...get it?). 

Your back. It's sexy. That is all. 

Your hands. Have you ever thought about how much you do with your hands? You build amazing things like robots and toys, you drum, you bike, you build your bike, you cook (sometimes eat!), you give massages, you touch my face, you tickle me, your hand holds mine, you drive, and on occasion, you use them to write me beautiful love letters that bring me to tears. (And you think you aren't a good writer!) I love your hands. Do you? 

Your brain. I love, love, love your brain and the way it works. The way you inspire just by talking about the things you know about...if only you could listen to you the way I do. (Yep, you read that correctly...I listen. To you.) Sometimes I think I just want you to talk me to sleep, but not because it is boring, but because I am so in love with the way you make the things you are passionate about sound. You could make anyone want to be an engineer, and you could persuade the least likely of persons to mountain bike. And even more amazing, you could probably convince anyone that I am a lovely person to be in love with...even though I don't agree with half the things you say, I love it when you talk about me. Vain? Very much so. Humbling? Always. How did I get so lucky to be one of the things you are so passionate about? You should hear yourself talk about the things you love and value...I'm telling you, you would make one attractive T.A. and not just for those thighs...

Your heart. Literally one of the most beautiful things this good earth has been blessed with. As I mentioned before, the way you talk about the things you love is amazing...seeing it in action is better. I love to watch you do work, I love to hear you talk about things I don't understand, and I love it when you show me! I love the way you love your family. There is little you wouldn't do for them, and I am the same way about mine. It is refreshing to know that on a very fundamental level...we are the same. I love the way you take care of. I love they way you WANT me to be happy. I pretty much just love the way you love, and any more detail than that I can't really explain. I can't explain your heart to other people! And as I always say, if I can't put it into words, it must be sacred. And you are. To me. 

Basically, I hope you know how wonderful you are and how much I appreciate ever second

I get to spend with you in all your fabulousness. I love you...and that doesn't even cut it, it

is so much deeper than those three words.

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