You know it...

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I'm a happy and simple person who just happens to be lucky and in love. Must have items in life: ♥ my family, pup, friends and the one that makes my heart all a-flutter♥. Don't be fooled though, I have bad days too, but that's ok because Light needs Darkness. Watch the TEDtalk about that.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Brandon & Marissa

I have had the best weekend, mainly because I got to spend time with my best friend/ soul mate, Lisa, and the love of my life, Brandon! I am always so happy when the people I love most are all in one spot! Granted, there are so many more people that I love and wish were closer (Mom...Dad...Deana!) but it was nice anyways!

Something that Brandon and I LOVE to do is cook, and Lisa likes to eat our cooking. So Brandon and I spent much of our weekend ignoring our grown-up responsibilities (like homework, homework, and homework...and maybe some laundry)and had a blast in the kitchen! I'm really lucky that Brandon can handle an Alim diet! At least when it comes to sweets :)

First up, some awesome potatoes! We kind of combined two recipes...but this is how they turned out.

So delicious! I found the recipe for both forms of the yummy potato-ness on pinterest!
The first recipe is where we got the idea of how to cut the potato! The second recipe is how we seasoned them, and also where we got the idea to add aioli! So much yummy for the tummy, I probably won't be able to resist the urge to make them again this week.

Next we made some DELICIOUS pull apart cinnamon roll bread. An idea I must credit to my Auntie Vicky, since she mentioned making it last weekend and told me about it's heavenly-ness.

Originally after coming out of the oven, we thought putting it in a bowl would be good...turns out a plate is the better option. Anyways, the recipe is really easy, but be forewarned, it get's messy! Best to make this one with a partner.

That was all in ONE night! We had so much fun doing something we love to do together, and we enjoyed eating all of it. Good thing no one who was partaking in the festivities was on a diet.

The next day we tried to do the grown-up thing again, which I should note, we are usually very good at! But there was something about this weekend that called "cook me!" or "bake me!" We ended up giving in (this can partially be credited to StumbleUpon) and made Chocolate Chip Lava Cookies!

They are so huge, you have to bake them in muffin tins!

They recommend on the blog we got the recipe from to eat them with ice cream, so we did! And it was DELICIOUS!

Overall, we had an amazing weekend together and with food! I'm one lucky lady. So even though I have quite a bit of homework and reading to catch up with throughout the week, it was so worth it. Look at all the great food we made! And most importantly, I got to spend time with my love! No matter what we are doing, whether it is cooking or homeworking, being with him always grounds me and brings me home.

Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend too, and that ya'll get to try out these recipes sometime! They are definitely worth it!



p.s. we didn't make them this weekend, but this is another sweet Brandon and I love to make, Cinnamon Roll Pancakes. Hmmm..cinnamon roll pull apart bread...cinnamon roll pancakes (better known as shampams) I see a trend!

Also, I'm starting to realize how creepy it kind of is to post a blog about mine and my boyfriends don't expect these too often! I'd like to spare the community from any mushy gushy stuff.

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