You know it...

My photo
I'm a happy and simple person who just happens to be lucky and in love. Must have items in life: ♥ my family, pup, friends and the one that makes my heart all a-flutter♥. Don't be fooled though, I have bad days too, but that's ok because Light needs Darkness. Watch the TEDtalk about that.

Monday, July 2, 2012

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words (Part 3)

It's been a while since I've had the chance to write about a wonderful memory I captured in a photo...and today was "just one of those days" I think it would be good for my soul to remember happier times.

So I spent some time in Berkeley in my younger days...

And it is an experience I can never replace, and one that will hold a very special place in my heart forever. I think I love it so much because it was the first time I had found myself belonging...anywhere. Like, truly just being who I was and being around people who were ok with that! 
I love the environment it provided me with. My peers were talking about big things, ideas, and passions...not about other people, which at the time was refreshing to me. Merced is still working on creating that environment! And I have faith that it will! 
I love the people I met there, they all touched my life in a way that can never be forgotten or undone. When you come across people who make you laugh and smile and enjoy life, you don't let them pass into the past! I think of them all often and with much love! They are all going to give back to the world in the most beautiful ways...I know this because I can speak from personal experience that they already have! I feel lucky to have crossed paths with them, some of whom I still remain friends with to this day, and whenever I see this picture it puts a big smile on my face!

p.s. I love Simmeran, and I love his OBVIOUS affection for me. :-p He has also been an excellent source when I need a vanity fill.

I met Connor (pictured above) in Chem 1, when we were lab partners. Paired with the lovely Ruby and....Aaron (haha) we were definitely the sane, calm, collected couple of the table. And much to my surprise, I had the pleasure of taking my Intro to Psych course with all three of them again! It was a sign, we were all meant to be together for a little while longer!

Anyways, long story short, leaving Psych early wasn't really an issue most nights. Lecture was pretty long and about halfway through the prof usually gave us an little break and half the class would leave. Well...this is the story of the moment I fell in love with Connor...(in the most platonic way possible!)

One night, lecture revolved around pregnancy and the bond between mother and child after birth. During this time, this was something that hit very close to home for me and for those of you who know my story, you know why. I remained fairly composed for most of the lecture when it talked about pregnancy, because lets face's really over glamorized (as this blog CLEARLY lays out...). But what we would be covering after the break was what really concerned me. This, of course, was the night Ruby and Aaron decided to leave early. Trying my best not to go into panic, I asked Connor to stay with me...which I am sure to any guy sounds like a painful form of torture. Seriously? Spending the next hour listening to some dude talk about the bond between mother and child? I wouldn't want to stay...but I did because I was interested and, well, a goody two-shoes. Naturally, Connor REALLY wanted to go. In a last ditch effort, I told him I needed a friend, not even fully WHY I needed a friend...and without question, or doubt, he sat right back down and stayed. 

Now, I know a lot of good men in my life, but Connor definitely gives them all a run for their money. I remember the moment when I looked at him, broken inside, and whether he stayed out of guilt, friendship, or to be left its mark on my heart. It's true that a moment of kindness will last a lifetime. I feel blessed to have Connor be a dear friend of mine now (one who sends me swedish fish, but that isn't the only reason I have deep affection for him...I think...) and can only imagine what other goodness he will spread back into the world. If he was able to give me something so small, and have it speak volumes in my life...I can only imagine what he will do with the rest of his time on Earth.

Whew! I am feeling a lot better! I lot more at peace and a lot more humbled by remembering the lovely people I have been blessed to know! 


Sunday, July 1, 2012


#2. Go Cliff Diving

Now, I don't think what I did actually counts as Cliff diving, but the experience was bomb diggity none the less. Got to spend a great day with my family river rafting at Knights Ferry! Note, it was with the Alims, so the competition blood bath was out of control! But regardless, we were all ourselves and we all got to enjoy each other, which was the best part of the day. My cousin Jennifer, who now lives in Washington State, was even down for the weekend!

Now, how did I find myself cliff jumping? Well, long story short, Brandon is crazy and my cousin John apparently digs crazy! After Brandon suggest a jump from a cliff, my cousin John who is the definition of live life to the fullest decided it was a FABULOUS idea! And it was! After following Brandons lead, John, Gina, Jesse, Jennifer, and myself all jumped off a cliff into some FREEZING water. A moment we all get to remember together for the rest of our lives!

Another reason why Brandon is meant to be one of us, and another reason why I consider my cousins to be more like brothers and sisters...none of us have and I don't think ever will, lose the kid in us! And that is SO important in life. I am so blessed!

Until our next adventure!

Starting our Journey

Post Risking my LIFE



and of course, video provided by John Alim.


#1. Graduate College

Well we can cross that sucker off my bucket list! HOLLA! For those of you who aren't aware, I recently graduating college. May 12, 2012 to be exact and oh my, I feel so good. I shall re-cap the pre and post cap (haha)

I had a wonderful party during the day since my graduation was at night (thank GOODNESS UC Merced!) thrown by my Auntie Marciel, Uncle Bert and my Grandma! I am so grateful for their hard work and effort. It felt so nice to have someone plan out a special day that was just for me!

I spent the day surrounded by SO MUCH LOVE! As a matter of fact, it was so much love I don't know which was more special, me graduating, or all my loved ones being in one place at one time. I was reminded of my roots and of my purpose and what seemed like a hectic day on the outside was a day of peace on the inside.

During my party, my dad gave a speech, thanking all my wonderful family members and friends who stepped up to the plate to help me through my college years when they had left to Colorado. I want to say it again, because it is true. My family, every single one of them, cousins, Aunts, and Uncles have helped me at one point or another. From a laugh, to a cry, to a vent session, to driving me to the airport, to letting me stay at their homes for a weekend to get away, to helping me with groceries, to helping me purchase my cap and gown. When I think about how much has been given to me by those I love most, my heart is overwhelmed with love and thanks. I can only hope to one day repay them.

As for the actual ceremony, it was an amazing feeling to watch my peers cross the stage. Most of them I don't know, but some I do, and I know they faced their demons and personal see them accomplish something they devoted so much to was a happy moment for me. My friends, deserved that moment of greatness.

Personally I was lucky enough to spend my ceremony next to one of the loveliest people I have come to know, Miss Aurora, and we had a great time! I met her in my last semester at UC Merced, and I did an interview with her for my Writing 101 course (definitely one of my toughest in college) on the first day of class and described her as a sweet and wonderful person, and that anyone would be lucky to know her. I definitely still stand by that. My writing experience...and life in general only got better after I met Aurora! I feel very happy that I got to share such a monumental moment in my life with someone who is going to do monumental things for the world!

After commencement, seeing my parents look of happiness (and probably relief) was definitely a highlight of my LIFE. Without their support, love, and financial assistance I would not be standing in awe of my accomplishment. My parents might not have degrees, or a fancy office at work, or a huge house filled with personal expensive assets, but it is true, I am standing on the shoulders of GIANTS. They are, along with the rest of my family, my foundation.

Of course, I can't talk about this wonderful day without talking about my beloved. Brandon has helped me through so much in college...even before we were dating!

One day, during finals week, and 4 AM, on the verge of a mental breakdown, I got a phone call from Brandon and our friend Toad. At the time, I would only hear from them every now and then since sometimes they were impossible to reach, so I answered in the middle of my breakdown! I loved (err...still love!) them both so much, I couldn't pass up the opportunity. Turns out, they knew I was going through a rough time and called to give me a pep talk! They told me wonderful things about myself and fed my vanity like there was no tomorrow...and when I hung up I cowgirled up and got my studying done. But...I don't think I would have gotten that far without my friends...

And that night was such a pivotal moment in my college career. I made decisions that changed my life forever, and for the better. So yes, Brandon (and Toad!) play a huge part in my graduation for reasons not even my heart can clearly explain.

And as usual, a big, big, big thank you to my roommates, Vivian, Zi, & Lisa who helped me along the way. And the the girls, Shabby, Loryn, and X-Rated for starting the journey with me, and for staying with me in my heart, even when miles (and maybe personal differences) kept us apart. I love all of you and appreciate all that you have done for me, I am standing on your shoulders too!

Anyways, so here I am...done with college. Exciting, scary, liberating, and uncomfortable...but SO TOTALLY worth it!


My family and I (plus Brandon!) @ my grad party!

My Cousins and I

My Uncle Bert and Auntie Marciel who planned my party!

My boys, couldn't have done it without them! They definitely know how to make someone laugh!

My Grandma and Tony

Brandon and Hurley, two people who made the day! Wouldn't have been special without them.

Vivian, she's a great roommate if you are in the middle of serious heartache :)

Lisa, my soulmate, who MADE my Jr&Sr years

So happy I got to share such a special moment with a special person who made it possible!

Myself and Miss Aurora

My Roots

One of the most supportive and loving women in my life, Auntie Noodle!